You will quit smoking after watching this Video

This is one of the most innovative step taken to help people change their mind regarding smoking. Smoking can't be eradicated until the mindset of people is changed. So merely advertising through posters and banners will simply not help unless you deep dig enough inside the mindset of the changed smokers. This video is somewhat a new approach to do so. In association with the Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) some chanting lighters were fitted in the smoking shops instead of normal lighters where when click on the push button for fire it chanted RAM RAM SATYA HAI.... which  shocked people. One even questioned the shop keeper that if he smoke will he die. Though he asked in a normal way but this small trick has made him to think even once about what he is doing. Hope this video will bring some positive effect on the mass.

Please do share it for creating a huge impact............

You will quit smoking after watching this Video You will quit smoking after watching this Video Reviewed by Unknown on 23:41 Rating: 5

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