This is how Air India personnel treat with their customers. It was not expected from such a reputed flying company.

The great passenger carrier Air India had now much to worry about its reputation after a video got viral on various social networking sites like Facebook,twitter etc. This video shows the very in co-operation and illogical statements from the side of Air India staff to a group of passengers who were only 5 minutes late from the boarding time.

According to the staffs the passengers will not be allowed to board their respective flights as they were five minutes late relative to their expected arrival time. But according to the message delivered to the passengers  they came 10 minutes early the boarding time. But the staff sitting over there was not at all interested to listen to the query of the passengers. You will see a girl crying over there and still the staff were not at all eager to see through her situation and make a settlement.

IS THIS HOW AIR INDIA OPERATES????????????  If so then they need have to worry about this and change some of their habbits........

This is how Air India personnel treat with their customers. It was not expected from such a reputed flying company. This is how Air India personnel treat with their customers. It was not expected from such a reputed flying company. Reviewed by Unknown on 02:08 Rating: 5

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